There are many things that I can tell you as a beginner’s guide to investing in the stock market. Most of the things involved in this would have to include common sense.

For instance, as part of a common-sense beginner’s guide to investing, I would have to tell you to never invest more money than you can afford to lose. If you really cannot afford to invest, do not. If you want to invest and are afraid of taking risks, look into money market investing. Money market investing can be done through individual accounts, or as part of a pool in a money market mutual fund. Money market investing yields the lowest return, but it represents the safest investments.

If you have some money to risk, the beginner’s guide to investing would tell you to invest in what you know. If there is a particular business field, service, or product with which you are very familiar, put your money in that business field, service, or product. Too many beginners attempt to start from scratch by learning all that they can about a particular company, usually, one that someone else recommended to them.

A good beginner’s guide to investing is to take advantage of the knowledge you already possess. It isn’t necessary to struggle with a learning curve. There are thousands of companies you can invest in on the stock market, start with ones you already know something about.

More good advice to follow as a beginner’s guide to investing is to get in for the long term. Only certain personalities can become day traders, and even most of them fail. One of the best beginner’s guides to investing is to stick with your stock. Research your choices and make the best decision you can. Then, do not second-guess yourself. Stick with your choice for a while and see how you do it a couple of years down the road.

Oh yeah, that’s some more advice as a beginners guide to investing; this shouldn’t be a jump-in and jump-out proposition. Stock market investing is for the long term. Beginner’s guide to investing tip number one is that investing in the stock market is not a get-rich-quick scheme. If you want to get rich quick, jump in the car and drive to the casino.

The beginner’s guide to investing in the stock market tip number two is that you are gambling. Instead of risking your money on the numbers painted on the side of the little square dice, you are gambling at the success of the corporation in which you invest your money.

The stock market is a good place to grow your money over the long term. Your return will be better than it would be in your bank account. Just remember the key element to the beginner’s guide to investing is to use common sense.